Custom software/app development for all your business needs
Support for all your specialised software or apps, network, infrastructure & security
Protect, detect and respond to cyber threats with our cyber security services
Support applications, connecting data and applications to users within your network
Cost-efective, on-prem/cloud based contact center solutions
Our visionaries who lead us to success and empowerment
See our customer success stories
Custom software/app development for all your business needs
Support for all your specialised software or apps, network, infrastructure & security
Protect, detect and respond to cyber threats with our cyber security services
Support applications, connecting data and applications to users within your network
Cost-efective, on-prem/cloud based contact center solutions
Our visionaries who lead us to success and empowerment
See our customer success stories
Custom software/app development for all your business needs
Support for all your specialised software or apps, network, infrastructure & security
Protect, detect and respond to cyber threats with our cyber security services
Support applications, connecting data and applications to users within your network
Cost-efective, on-prem/cloud based contact center solutions
Our visionaries who lead us to success and empowerment
See our customer success stories
Khazana has established these Acceptable Use Policies (AUP) and Website Privacy Policies (WPP) to encourage responsible use of Khazana website, its products and services, and network (hereinafter, referred as the “Khazana Service”) by our customers and end-users. This is to help protect the internet community from illegal and/or improper activity over the internet.
You acknowledged by using Khazana Service, that you, end-users, and any other user that have access to Khazana Service through an account (hereinafter, referred as the “Account User”), will comply with the Acceptable Use Policies (AUP). This makes you responsible for your own violations of this AUP and/or by any user that access the Khazana Service through your account. The AUP applies to all aspects of Khazana Service. Khazana reserves the rights to modify this Policy, at any time, effective upon posting to Khazana.
Accounts holder(s) agrees to inform each Account User of this AUP. Each account user is responsible to respect the privacy of other users and avoid seeking confidential information pertaining to other users without their written consent. Confidential information includes, but is not limited to, personal data and passwords belonging to other users. We wish you us Khazana Service in a manner that is consistent with ethical practices and accepted community standards.
You can visit Khazana without revealing any personal information about yourself. At times, when we may need information, such as your name, your business address, and your email address. We may also ask your response to some following related questions: What is your primary business focus? What other suppliers do you purchase from? What products have you purchased from us? What products are you primarily interested in? How did you find this site? How should we contact you? You will be given a choice of what you want to receive via email. Khazana will let you know before we collect any personal information from you over the Internet. When you choose to give us personal information over the Internet that we may request, Khazana will earnestly attempt to let you know how we will use this information.
When Khazana receives information about your session or about you, we may use it for research or to improve our site and the services we offer you. We will ask you if you want us to use that information to continue contact with you by Khazana via email or other means, for example, to send you new product information or notification of exclusive offers. If you do not want us to contact you can choose to “opt out,” and Khazana will strive to respect your wishes.
Khazana will not sell, rent, or lease your personally identifiable information to others. Khazana will not use or share the above-mentioned information provided to us online in ways other than the ones described above without first letting you know and offering you a choice. As mentioned above, you have the authority to let us know if you no more wish to receive unsolicited direct marketing materials from us. Local country laws and policies are applied where they differ from Khazana’s home country’s policies.
In general, on Khazana IP addresses (the internet address of a computer) are logged to track a user’s session while the user remains anonymous. This data would be analyzed at Khazana for certain trends and statistics, such as which parts of our site users are visiting and how long they spend there. In general, we do not link your IP addresses to anything leads to your personally identifiable information. In those limited cases where session information is not anonymous, Khazana is committed to respecting your privacy and considers the responsible use of personal information to be a critical element.
It is the responsibility of all Account Users to respect all laws pertaining to copyrighted and licensed programs, data, and other information that may be accessible through Khazana Services.
To further responsible use of Khazana Services, Khazana prohibits all illegal conduct and conduct that infringes on the rights of other Account Users as well as the Internet Community at large. Such prohibited conduct includes, but is not limited to:
If we are legally required to permit any relevant authority to inspect your content or traffic, you agree we can do so; provided however that, where possible without breaching any legal or regulatory requirement, we give you reasonable prior notice of such requirement.
We may, without notice to you, report to the appropriate authorities any conduct by you that we believe violates applicable law, and provide any information we have about you, or your users or your traffic and cooperate in response to a formal request from a law enforcement or regulatory agency investigating any such activity, or in response to a formal request in a civil action that on its face meets the requirements for such a request.
You may not use any shared system provided by Khazana in a way that unnecessarily interferes with the normal operation of the shared system, or that consumes a disproportionate share of the resources of the system. For example, we may require you to repair coding abnormalities in your Cloud-hosted code if it unnecessarily conflicts with other Cloud customers’ use of the Cloud. You agree that we may quarantine or delete any data stored on a shared system if the data is infected with a virus, or is otherwise corrupted, and has the potential to infect or corrupt the system or other customers’ data that is stored on the same system.
Any Account Holder that Khazana determines, in is sole discretion, to have violated any element of this AUP is subject to remedial action, the severity of which shall be decided by Khazana, at its sole discretion, and shall depend upon the severity of the violation and the number of violations. In the most severe cases, such remedies may include immediate Account termination without notice. With respect to less severe violations, the company may issue a written warning to the Account Holder and the Account may be subject to a temporary suspension of service. No credit will be available under the Khazana Service Level Agreement for interruptions of service resulting from any AUP violation.
Khazana reserves its right to take such action as it deems necessary under the circumstances to prevent further violations of this AUP. Khazana shall not be liable for any damages of any nature suffered by any Account User resulting in whole or in part from Khazana’s exercise of its rights under the AUP and the Account Holder agrees to indemnify Khazana and hold it harmless from and against any claims arising from the exercise of its rights under this AUP.
We collect demographic information on our website using Google Analytics. We may disclose user data (not specific to a particular individual), including gender, age, and usage data gathered from our demographics tracker to third party organizations for the purposes of research and comparison. We will use the information gathered by Google Analytics to further develop our website and to match user interests.
UAN: 111-111-KEL (535)
© 2022 Khazana Enterprise (Pvt) Ltd. All rights reserved.